I'm a course director. How do I...

Prepare a Course Schedule

Course schedules for first and second year courses are generally developed by the course director and course design group. Using the prior year's schedule as a basis, curriculum specialists at the Office of Medical Education can assist by developing a tentative schedule for the course director to use as a starting point.

Curriculum specialists can also serve as a terrific resource for course directors to access information about other curricular events that may influence course scheduling considerations.

When may course sessions be scheduled?

The UPSOM curriculum for first and second year students is conducted during 8:00 am to noon, and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The interval from noon to 1:00 pm is reserved for student activities, advising lunches and other events outside of the scheduled curriculum. Curricular events are not routinely scheduled past 5:00 pm to permit students an opportunity to schedule activities beyond the required curriculum, including self-directed learning, meetings with advisors and personal activities.

The day and time allotment to each course is established as part of the overall curriculum planning process. Each year the Office of Medical Education prepares a half-day calendar to provide course directors with specific information about the exact half-days that are available for use by each course. When creating a course schedule, course directors must confine all course activities to fit within these scheduled half days. Specific questions about the half-day allotment should be directed to the Associate Dean for Medical Education.

For additional assistance in preparing a course schedule, please feel free to contact the Office of Medical Education at 412-648-8714.